1) black people dont really like animals enough to kiss them or let them sleep in their beds. we keep our animals where they belong....you guest it outside....
2) we dont wear flip flops in the winter time because we are convinced that when its cold you get sick and thus flip flops are a no no
3) we dont really like coffee and starbucks doesn't really make since to us. sorry you can keep the 5 dollar latte.
4) we really dont understand what awkward is. really i'm even going as far to say that we cant be awkward because we just have to roll with the punches to much and if we stopped to be awkward we would miss something.
5) hair care for us ='s grease and heat. if we wash our hair everyday it would fall out and die.
5 1/2) we have sort hair to protect us from the sun thus is the reason why most of us are bald head.
6) i am convinced...... to avoid potentially awkward situations for my white counter parts just call everything a cultural difference it makes it easier to digest.